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Orwell's 1984

Orwell's 1984Substantial National IssuesUSA in 2012
In 1945-49 Orwell wrote his prophetic novel about government gone wild .

Big Brother and the Inner Party  formed a ruling elite.
Doublethink/Newspeak were the spin and political correctness of the day.
Ministiries named opposite to their true purposes executed government policy
  • minpax - used endless war as a means to control the populace
  • mintrue - propaganda, rewriting history
  • minluv - spying, torture and ran the JoyCamps (detention centers/gulags)
  • minplenty - in charge of rationing
Sexual repression in a distinctly unhealthy populace was a strategy for control.
Thought Police - children spying on their parents, turning them in for rewards

Favorite Orwell quote:
"Guys, it was a precautionary tale, not a guidebook!"

Was Osama bin Laden actually a Jew? In 1984, Big Brother's arch enemy, thus public enemy number 1, was Emmanuel Goldstein. Obama ruined this analogy when he sent in Seal Team 6. 

Did Apple Computer suggest that to own a PC was to bow down to conformist pressure. 

Does receiving a public compliment from George Bush mean you'll soon be out of a job? Ask Michael Brown and Donald Rumsfeld what it means to be doing a "heck of a job."

Did you know the U.S. Department of Defense has never won a war? While the U.S. War Department never lost. This observation by Robt Heinlein may or may not be true after Iraq and Afghanistan are measured by history.

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Created : 5/16/2006 6:20:59 AM Updated: 2/7/2013 9:59:19 AM

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