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Gov Blanco Testimony to Congressional Select Committee - 12/14

Opening comments theme "We wouldn't be here if the levees hadn't failed."
Highlights of questions:
  1. By delaying ordering mandatory evacuation parts of the city's emergency plan were not activated in a timely manner. Why didn't you order evacuation earlier? Answer -  we didn't think it would help (several reasons staged evac, stubborn people, uncertainty, credibility, other appeals to leave, legal concerns) Follow up - wouldn't a declaration have initiated all sorts of actions that would have saved lives? No direct answer to this question. Why not answer? Failing to answer leaves the question hanging and the questioner believing that he has made an important point.
  2. Were levees properly maintained (by locals) after design by COE. Follow up question on same issue.  This question was not answered at all even though it was asked twice. Seems like a huge missed opportunity to set the record straight. I am more than curious as to why this question was ducked.
  3. Why were the buses left in an area that could flood? This is the most lasting image of the storm. Blanco ducked this and another image question defering to Nagin, Nagin alluded to the fact that he doesn't control the School Board and its resources and commented that he did use RTA buses to move people from around the city to the Dome.

  • 12/14 Testimony details :
    Opening comments theme "We wouldn't be here if the levees hadn't failed."
    :: Continue reading...

  • Blanco's answers are sometimes direct and candid but sometimes off the point and don't include facts that would be very helpful to the cause. Not answering the levee question twice is an opportunity missed. Not answering the mandatory evacuation question directly sows mistrust. Federal troop issue needed more explanation.

    Hostile questions and helpful questions and statements (makes this proceeding look pretty political).

    FEMA Consulting House Investigation

    Created : 12/14/2005 9:33:33 AM Updated: 12/21/2005 6:01:21 PM

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