Lingering Problems: Police: People: Problems and Issues: Crime:

Is transparency a solution? Quality?

The CJS does not invite public scrutiny. Lawyers are tight lipped about ongoing investigations. Summary statistics may show trends but don't answer the why question. How about adding two new components to the CJS?

Let's have a fully funded quality improvement effort. Not an audit or a witch hunt, quality is all about fixing the process to achieve the goal. If you had an industrial process that was failing would you hire more mechanics or pay the workers more and hope for the best?
  • Define the goal and then work to improve performance at every level by eliminating bottlenecks, improving throughput and reducing inventory. (Click here to read more about The Goal ).
  • Sociologists, management consultants and many other specialties can contribute to improving CJS quality but the main improvement will come from the professionals themselves. Cops, attorneys, judges, deputies, clerks, parole officers, and more.
Second let's engage everyone in the fight against crime.
  • Publicize every violent crime. Make it clear what is being done to fight the crime. Publish the evidence and the clues (the defense gets it on discovery anyway). Protect the victims and the witnesses.
  • Encourage citizen input. Map it, chart it, explain it, question it, deal with it. Make it absolutely clear what every branch of government is doing to fight back against every crime.
  • Make sure every wanted criminal is known to the public. Encourage them to surrender, but publish every detail known about suspects if they remain at large.
  • Publish detailed information about convicted violent criminals. Make their lives public. Track their addresses, jobs, income, hobbies, schools, teams, gangs, whatever. Publish all this stuff online.
  • Let a criminal earn back his privacy by doing his time, providing restitution to the victims, doing public service to repay the efforts of the community to deal with him, and demonstrating a reformed lifestyle. If he can't do this stuff, let him live a public life as an ongoing burden to the community.

  • CJS and the Goal : It's all about making money. What is money for the CJS? It is less crime. :: Continue reading...
  • : is a new website that plans to report crime statistics and track progress publically.
    :: Continue reading...

  • Gangs and Drugs Justice System

    Created : 1/12/2007 3:01:04 PM Updated: 7/30/2010 8:48:55 AM

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