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Oysters and the R Months

Old timers would only eat oysters in months that contained the letter R. With the advent of universal refrigeration, oysters became a year round thing. A few people seem to have forgotten the old ways and want to eat raw oysters on the half shell in the dead of summer. That is a bad idea.

Oysters are best eaten raw when the bacteria count is low. That means cooler water temperatures. The only months that don't contain the letter R in their names are the hot, hot, hot months of May, June, July and August. Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus are the bacteria which add to the raw oyster eating mystique. Both cause symptoms like food poisoning and V. vulnificus can be fatal if your immune system is compromised.

Just for fun read the government required warning signs on the walls and in the menus of restaurants that serve raw seafood. Compare to the liquor warnings in the restrooms. Then read the graffiti just to maintain some balance.

Obesity Poor Boy Sandwich (Po-Boy)

Created : 1/16/2007 8:33:29 AM Updated: 1/19/2007 4:21:42 PM

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