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Parts is parts

Livers, kidneys, corneas, ligaments, hearts and lungs are all reusable parts. Blood is interchangable. What you don't need someone else does. Useful organs rotting in a grave or creamated with natural gas miss the opportunity to be part of a loving legacy.

Why is it not the default to harvest the parts of eligible donors. If you object, let that be the declaration on your driver's license. Its the least you can do when you don't need them any more.

Why is there no market in parts or blood? Are we so fearful of the rich exploiting the poor? Can you imagine the short story when the price of the comb is not her hair but two pints, a kidney and a cornea. But at the same time consider the human tragedy of tens of thousands of people spending years disabled, surviving only with dialysis while waiting for a kidney when there are plenty to spare if people would just let them go.

Cloning, stem cells, and DNA research all point the way toward creating the parts we need to extend life and extend the quality of life. This is a great frontier in science and in ethics. It is a challenge to be taken up and resolved.

Single Payer Healthcare - HR 676

Created : 7/10/2007 2:37:06 PM Updated: 7/11/2007 1:51:20 PM

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