ConsenCIS DotNet Home: New Orleans: Katrina: The Recovery: New Orleans: Recovery Timeline: Headlines: 12 The Twelfth Year:

Month 141 - May 2017

It's nice in New Orleans. The weather that is. Big spring storms on the 2nd and 3rd ushered in a beautiful spring time weekend. We all know what's coming soon, but let's enjoy Jazz Fest and a few more pleasant weekends before the "Big Sweat" descends.  

The more negative stuff like crime, the streets of Lakeview, coastal erosion, and the controversy over Civil War statues continues unabated. 

Nationally, since the inauguration the press is unhappy with the administration and their criticism is making the administration angry. The administration's reaction to criticism and judicial setbacks involves juvenile tweets and critical comments. "Fake News" is alleged from every source but Fox. 

The investigation of the Russian connection drags on.  Caught up in unreported meetings with Russian Ambassador Kysliak, Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation.  Trump fired FBI Director Jim Comey triggering a firestorm of controversy. In reaction, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein named Robert Mueller, a past FBI Director, special prosecutor by the Justice Department, moving the investigation out of "pure politics."  Trump was enraged.

The fact checker's continue to unearth factually inaccurate statements from government officials on almost daily basis.  Trump's unsettling accusation that Obama tapped the phones at Trump Tower turned out to be unsubstantiated, putting the administration's credibility further at risk. Strangely enough in the world of "Alternate Facts" credibility is not particularly important.

The stock market anticipating pro-business measures like continued low interest rates, reduced regulation and lower taxes, was dismayed by the naming of the special prosecutor. Legislation will be required and a lingering investigation could stall Trump's reforms 

Congress is moving very slowly. They managed to pass an extension of funding to keep the government operating until September. That's about all they have been able to do. Even the House Bill to repeal and replace Obamacare faces lengthy and tough Senate scrutiny.

Executive branch appointments are lagging. A slew of secretaries, under-secretaries, directors and deputy positions remain to be filled.  CNN reported, 

"Trump has been historically slow in naming people to non-Cabinet posts requiring Senate confirmation. Overall, he's had the fewest nominations and confirmations in his first 100 days of any president in the last 40 years. 

According to Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit organization that tracks presidential appointments, there are approximately 556 key administration positions that require presidential appointment and Senate confirmation. Of those, 468 are missing a full-time replacement. "

The country plods on. 

  • Four Statues : The city administration under Mayor Mitch Landrieu (Mary's brother, Moon's son) with 6-1 support of the City Council decided to get rid of four statues commemorating the lives and values of Confederate Civil War heroes :: Continue reading...

  • Month 136 - December 2016 Month 142 - June, 2017

    Created : 5/6/2017 12:43:41 PM Updated: 7/22/2017 8:46:15 PM

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