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Alternative Healthcare

If the objection is the subsidized private insurance exchanges, let's get rid of them. They are the worst parts of Obamacare.

Without them 12 million people need care. Of these 10.5 million were subsidized. 

One alternative would be to open Medicaid enrollment to people willing and able to pay a premium for the coverage. Obamacare set the rate at 9% of income above the poverty level.  If Medicaid is really the U.S. minimal healthcare coverage, shouldn't it be available to all?

BTW the rest of Obamacare is not failing. It is providing coverage to working poor, older dependents, and encouraging hospitals to improve care and reduce infection rates. It is being paid for by taxes on the wealthy and medical device companies (to avoid gouging). It reduces emergency room demand and costs. It's greatest failing is that it did not allow negotiation of drug costs.

A proposal called "Skinny Repeal" also ditches the Individual and Company mandates. This would not be attractive. It would leave millions more uninsured (the irresponsible millions who think the ER is good enough, plus the 50 who are rich enough to pay cash) and it would cause premiums to jump 20%. Repealing the Company mandate would be possible if Medicade for 9% was offered.

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  • Alternative Justice Department

    Created : 7/26/2017 3:48:45 PM Updated: 7/26/2017 6:18:05 PM

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