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New Orleans Content

The Katrina section follows the storm from the earliest warnings. Look hard at the Katrina / Recovery and Reconstruction section to get an idea of how big organizations like government and giant NGO's like the Red Cross act and react.

Once you have absorbed this stuff you might wonder how we got to this point. The Geography section will get you started. The People section will show you who lived here before and who lives here now, how they are organized and what they want. Neighborhoods lays out the whole metro area and the individual communities that make it what it was and is. Infrastructure gives you a clue about the investment we have made in the city. Recreation talks to the quality of life and hints at the culture of New Orleans.

As you read, one issue will stand out as the most important facing New Orleans today. You might think it would be flood control, or government corruption, but there is nothing that comes close to Race as the issue that will determine the fate of the city. The old approaches aren't working. Either the city finds a way to address this mega issue or it should plan on continuing economic and social decline.

The Headlines page feeds into the Recovery Timeline page in the Katrina / Recovery and Reconstruction Section. As each month progresses we capture the leading interests throughout the city and record them as Headlines. At the end of the month the Headline page moves into the Recovery Timeline and Headlines start again.

There are a few cool sections in this website that you might not find too easily.
  • Food is a big deal in New Orleans
  • Global Warming is discussed at length and its role in hurricane formation, sea level and climate change examined for New Orleans in particular.
  • Public primary and secondary education is analyzed in detail and a proposal for an improved delivery system is laid out in detail.
  • Streetcars get a deeper than average look including some highly detailed drawings
  • The Danziger Bridge affair is dissected. Most people still confuse it with incident on the CCC between Gretna police and citizens trying to flee the city on foot.
  • Finally there is a big section on National Issues affecting all of us.
  • The business process improvement techniques developed in Eliyahu Goldratt's novel The Goal find application to several unusual topics including Education and the Criminal Justice System.

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Created : 9/13/2006 2:38:08 PM Updated: 3/29/2011 2:06:31 PM

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