ConsenCIS DotNet Home: New Orleans: Katrina: Kathleen Blanco: Highly anticipated: Contraflow:

2005 Texas learns from Rita

The Texas experience with massive evacuations directly parallels the Louisiana experience. As Hurricane Rita threatened Houston in September 2005, Mayor White ordered an evacuation and millions took to the roads. Predictably gridlock ensued. Motorists were stranded when they ran out of gas and gasoline supplies along the main routes were exhausted. Contraflow was hastily planned and implemented too late.

In 2006 with the experience fresh in their minds, Texas emergency planners have done their homework and updated their plans and expect it to go much smoother should another storm threaten.

2004 Ivan Remembered 2008 Gustav and Ike

Created : 2/8/2007 8:58:53 AM Updated: 8/13/2010 4:54:57 PM

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