The President: ConsenCIS DotNet Home: Dream Agenda - 2006: K-12 Primary and Secondary Education: Education: K-12 Analysis: US National: USA in 2012: The People:

What do we teach our kids?

What does a $130,000 K-12 public education actually teach our kids?
  • Myths about history and science
  • Distorted ethics and morality based on how some people think everyone else should behave tempered by school yard reality and the disconnect between the two
  • Their place in a society of money, power, race, crime, jocks, nerds, and hotties
  • Hygiene, style, entertainment venues, lust and consumption
  • Mass media information sources
  • How difficult it is to buck the system
  • Patriotism = Loyalty tempered with Ignorance and Apathy
  • Reading is a pain, writing is even worse, arithmetic can be done on a calculator
  • Use of consumer electronics like cell phones, video games and computer chat rooms
  • The need to be continuously entertained
Yet another stub that needs some attention

  • Reading is a Pain : As I get older I am developing a theory about reading that tries to explain why some people like to read and others don't. :: Continue reading...
  • Social Studies : Social studies and civics, ugh, instead of history, economics, geography, sociology. psychology :: Continue reading...

  • The Rest of the World Educates their Young

    Created : 4/2/2008 10:35:36 AM Updated: 9/23/2011 3:58:06 PM

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