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Dream Agenda - 2006



  • Allow the Iraqis and Afghans to take responsibility for their own countries. Begin an orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Offer assistance but don’t dictate goals or means.
  • Build a state-of-the-art military designed for 21st century threats especially terrorism and nuclear  proliferation. Honor commitments to veterans along the way.
  • Implement all 41 of the 9/11 Commission proposals.
  • Fully man, train, and equip the National Guard, police, firefighters and other first responders.
  • Improve disaster response capabilities by first correcting the enabling legislation (Stafford - Simpson) and then addressing its bureaucratic implementation (FEMA).
  • Address the infrastructure needs of the nation and the role of agencies like the Corps of Engineers
  • Correct illegal immigration problems. Change immigration law to accept anyone who can prove he is neither a criminal nor diseased and is willing to embrace American values including liberty, equality, industry and the English language. Implement a 20 year residency requirement prior to achieving citizenship. US born children of immigrants would not become citizens until they or their parents met the 20 year requirement.*
  • Rebuild alliances with our traditional allies and new friends worldwide by example and mutual interest rather than coercion or intimidation. Renounce preemptive invasion of sovereign states.
  • Participate proactively in extra governmental organizations like the UN to deal with lawless states, state sponsored terrorism and genocide.
  • Make nuclear proliferation worldwide economically unnecessary and unattractive by providing affordable alternatives to nuclear technology.


  • Eliminate payroll taxes, income taxes, corporate taxes and inheritance taxes in favor of a national sales (fair) tax. Eliminate the IRS. Repeal the 16’th amendment and minimum wage laws.*
  • Establish a universal monthly National Tax Prebate to refund the portion of the national sales tax collected on purchases up to the poverty level.
  • Provide additional prebate payments in lieu of current low income housing, food stamp, welfare and other needs based programs for citizens unable to earn a decent income.
  • Institute a national community service requirement for all citizens receiving more than the minimum prebate.
  • Phase in the prebate to immigrants over their 20 year citizenship waiting period.
  • Gradually replace Social Security over time with a National Tax Prebate increment for seniors.


  • Create a national K-12 academic curriculum including state of the art presentations ( 3,500 hours of  Hollywood "A" movie quality recorded lectures ) with supporting computer based testing, materials and administration.
  • Encourage market driven education delivery methods by including tuition for minors in the prebate and funding public schools through tuition.
  • Make all tuition exempt from taxes.
  • Add community service requirements to the curriculum required for graduation
  • Expand the core curriculum to include practical courses in anatomy, pharmaceuticals and EMT. Everybody should know CPR and how to use a defibrillator.
  •  Include the Second Amendment with.basic military training including weapons use and ethics. Qualify every high school graduate to carry a concealed weapon and operate an automatic weapon and an RPG.
  • Teach business basic economics, accounting and law. Explain insurance and financing realities.
  • Teach basic construction techniques including carpentry, plumbing and electricial skills. Review repairs to common appliances like AC, heating, washer, dryer and hot water.
  • Build a computer from components and connect it to a network.
  • Develop a foreign language proficiency
  • Include courses in fitness and nutrition in every year of education
  • Make driver's education a four year curriculum including basic repairs and advanced driving techniques designed to save lives


  • Free America from dependence on foreign oil and create a cleaner environment with initiatives for energy-efficient technologies and domestic energy production alternatives.
  • Build technology based energy supply and distribution mechanisms to make America the world’s leading low carbon energy exporter.
  • Recognizing that much of our national defense costs are being incurred to protect our energy supply, institute an immediate $1/gallon average tax on gasoline to pay this military cost. Index the tax to the 12 month moving average price of a barrel of oil to dampen price swings.


  • Provide free healthcare service to every citizen (visitors would have to pay)
  • Promote research by removing restrictive regulations and punitive legal exposure
  • Eliminate drug regulation and abolish the FDA.
  • Eliminate medical malpractice legal exposure for providers and manufacturers other than gross negligence.
  • Reform medical billing to ensure simplicity, efficiency and privacy.
  • License more paraprofessionals to provide routine treatments, inoculations, etc.
  • Allow citizens to decide for themselves when enough is enough and allow them to choose their preferred exit strategy


  • Implement Congressional term limits by applying the 22nd Amendment to Congress as well as the President  (2 terms )
  • Introduce a nationwide Senator-at-Large position with 12 new members elected by national popular vote.
  • Elect the president every two years by vote of Congress from the pool of Senators at Large so that the legislative and executive branches always work together and the Chief Executive is popularly elected and responsible to the people and their representatives.
  • Institute voting registration and counting reform including an auditable secret ballot (paper trail)
  • Limit voting rights to citizens receiving no support from the government other than the minimum prebate.
  • Encourage reforms that allow representation of minority interests not possible in our winner-take-all election system.
  • Teach democracy by example in our schools.


  • Enforce the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution, effectively prohibiting federal and state laws that impinge on the rights of citizens to pursue happiness as they see fit.
  • Shrink the overall influence of government in our lives by shrinking the overall footprint of government at all levels and encouraging individual responsibility
  • Pardon and expunge the records of anyone convicted only of victimless crime(s).

* Constitutional Amendment

This outline borrows from a format used by Democratic Member of Congress Nancy Pelosi to describe her 2006 agenda. Although there are some similarities, this page contains significantly different actions than she proposes.

  • 911 Commission recommendations summary : :: Continue reading...
  • Fair Tax : US Constitution Article I Section 9 - Limits to Legislation
    No :: Continue reading...
  • K-12 Analysis : Children go to school for 14 years in the preK-12 primary education program currently favored in :: Continue reading...

  • Created : 10/21/2006 2:05:21 PM Updated: 7/22/2011 6:48:44 PM

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