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2010 Midterm Election

Orwell's 1984Substantial National IssuesUSA in 2012
Alice in Wonderland attended a Tea Party too.

The Mad Hatter, Red Queen and the March Hare have all come to stay. Mitch McConnell looks more and more like the Mock Turtle.

Rand Paul makes it a father and son team in Congress. Will Ron run for the big job again in 2012.

The Teapublican takeover of the House is curious. 50% of the gains are traditional Republicans with the full support of their party and expectations of loyalty. It may be enough for a majority. The rest are something else. Spawned by the Libertarian, Barry Goldwater, John Birch conservative wing of the party these Republicans are as much opposed to the (neo-con) Republicans are as they are to the Democrats.

Somehow they are not Libertarians. They signed the Tea Party pledge to end the Fed, end the wars, end the debt, end the taxes. It will be a miracle if they end anything but Sarah Palin.

Marijuana remains somewhat illegal in California. It can still ruin your life unless you have a doctor's note. Or maybe you'll just get a ticket.

New Orleanians remained true to form and bucked the trend to defeat their Republican incumbent and send the only new Democrat to the House. He'll be in the minority and powerless, but we'll love him regardless. Good Luck Cedric. Please don't screw us. Post census redistricting may eliminate the Louisiana 2nd district soon.

Louisianians are somewhat more pragmatic in their vote to return David Vitter to the Senate. Oops he's in the minority and powerless too! David lives the life but somehow when it comes time to vote he's a different guy.  A perfect "Dump Obama," anti-abortion, family values guy he epitomizes (lobotomizes?) the state. Good luck Louisiana!

2008 Presidential Election 2012 National Election

Created : 11/4/2010 4:17:00 PM Updated: 11/4/2010 5:26:12 PM

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