ConsenCIS DotNet Home: New Orleans: Katrina: The Recovery: New Orleans: Recovery Timeline: Headlines: 13 The Thirteenth Year:

Month 147 - November 2017

Temperatures in the 80's are unusual for November.  This year we are experiencing a few. It reached 86 on November 5th. 

Glorious arrived 10 days later.  Before Veteran's Day it was in the 50's. Not unpleasant, just unusual. Glorious weather is now scheduled to last a couple of weeks.

Scientists are watching the CO2, CH4, the Antarctic, and just about every ecosystem on Earth with alarm. 500 year storms are cropping up just about weekly in August and September.  CO2 is over 400ppm. Cattle and termites are still farting at a predictable rate. Cement manufacturing is peaking in China and India fouling the air. 

The US government is looking the other way. With frakking and improved drilling tech, US fossil fuel production is expanding at record rates. Coal production is being deregulated. The Syrians overcame ISIS and joined the Paris accord leaving the US entirely on it own.

Month 146 - October 2017

Created : 11/11/2017 1:23:19 PM Updated: 11/14/2017 3:02:24 PM

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