Lingering Problems: Police: People: Problems and Issues: Crime:

Why Crime

Distinguish TruthPhysical Laws Serve People
Investigators search for Means, Motive & Opportunity when they try to determine "Who" committed a crime.  They know that they should answer the critical question Why? Most discussions about crime fighting eventually get around to this question just before they bog down on the idea that it is going to take too long to solve the problem.

Sociologists might have a better explanation as to why we are experiencing escallating rates of cirme but my nose tells me the following factors play a large role:
  1. Parenting
  2. Schools
  3. Jobs
  4. Money
  5. Expectations
  6. Recreation
  7. Entitlement
  8. Role Models
  9. Hope
  10. Opportunity
  11. Parenting
Police might be underpaid, but increasing their salaries or even their numbers aren't going to make these problems go away. A "Sea Change" in our society is the very least that will be needed. One approach is a more authoritarian approach, with cops on every block, the National Guard, surveillance cameras and thought control. This seems to be where we are headed and I don't like it. Take everything you have heard about Big Brother,  Soylent Green and a Clockwork Orange and decide if that will make this a better place in which to live.

Solving the crime problem can take many forms. Read a bit of the following to understand where I am conimg from.

  • Is it a crime? : The "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" is experiencing an identity crisis. :: Continue reading...
  • Amendment 29 - Prohibition on Prohibitions : I originally thought a Constitutional Amendment should be proposed to :: Continue reading...
  • Impact of Failing CJS : New Orleans Criminal Justice System is failing and has been teetering :: Continue reading...
  • Proposal for an Amendment 28 - Equal Treatment : Government shall offer no benefit nor deny any privilege to one citizen that it does not offer or deny equally to all citizens.
    :: Continue reading...

  • Post Katrina Crime

    Created : 6/20/2006 1:42:49 PM Updated: 1/4/2009 9:29:20 AM

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