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USA in 2012

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A numerical overview of the United States of America with data from the 2010 census and 2009 IRS tax returns. Before you form your opinion you should know the facts. For example, how big is the debt? How many ships does the Navy have? How many nuclear weapons are pointed at us? What do we spend on education? What's the average life expectancy? The median wage? The cost of healthcare?

The United States of America is the dominant economy in the world of 2012. With 5% of the world’s people, it generates 25% of the world’s economic activity and holds 25% of the world’s wealth. Among sovereign nations, we have the most industry, manufacturing, construction, roads, bridges and consumption. We have more cars trucks and airplanes than anyone. We have greater coal reserves, nuclear energy and natural gas production than any country.

First in consumption, we are first in debt. As the largest economy in the world we are good for it. We invented TV, the light bulb, the telephone, the phonograph and the iPod, the electric company, the transistor, the microprocessor, the Internet, the cell phone, the airplane, the H-bomb and so much more. We produce more movies, music and artistic content than anyone. We have the largest scientific and academic communities and lead the world in discovery. We were first to the moon, Mars and everywhere else. We dominate Earth orbit.  In 2012 we are the only nation protecting the Earth from asteroids. Our medical and pharmaceutical industries set the standard worldwide.  We dominate the Global 500 list of the largest companies with 133 U.S. companies. We have the biggest military, the most weapons and the best security services in the world.  We have the biggest banks, and on a daily basis we reinvent the financial industry. American athletes won the most medals at the 2012 Summer Olympics. We have the biggest federal government with more alliances, treaties and organizations than anyone. Our government is based on the US Constitution, the oldest written constitution in force in the world today.

We top the Group of 8, NATO, and the Organization of Economically Developed Countries (OEDC). We are a founding member of the U.N. and one of five nations with veto power in the Security Council. We compete with Europe, China, and Japan commercially across the world. China is growing faster and has four times our population. The European Union is slightly larger both in population and economy, but it is a loose confederation of 27 sovereign states. We enjoy the highest standard of living among major nations, and the others are playing catch up.

For over 200 years we have had the most progressive government in the history of the world. It has emphasized free enterprise and guaranteed human rights, offering equality under law. We were among the first to reject monarchy and recognize the sovereignty of our citizens. We protect freedom of religion but separate religion from government.  We guarantee free speech and about ten other fundamental liberties, and each one is difficult. We struggled with slavery and experienced a national catastrophe that left us with persistent racism. Women were second class citizens when our country was founded but are now equal participants in our society. We fought wars on our soil and around the world  to 1) gain our independence, 2) expand and secure our land, 3)preserve our union, 4) support our friends overseas from aggression at the hands of a) German imperialism b) Nazi aggression and Japanese imperialism c) Communism, d)Islamic terrorism and expansionism.  We won the Cold War against the Soviet Union. It left us as the only super power on Earth and in the process it changed us, but we were already changing faster than history could imagine.

  • The People : Native American “Indians” were the earliest recorded :: Continue reading...
  • Economy : In the United States economy private individuals and :: Continue reading...
  • Government : The U.S. Constitution as adopted in 1789 defines a structure :: Continue reading...

  • Substantial National Issues

    Created : 12/2/2012 10:07:53 PM Updated: 12/20/2012 8:09:11 AM

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